Dean Jason Selvaraj, the Convenor of the TRANSCOM Steering Committee, in his foreword of the Handbook says “The theme for 2009, “Transformation of Communities in Christ”, comes into a full circle as it were following the trail of the previous years themes that has focused on transformation of individuals, families and congregations.  All these aforementioned themes were primarily concentrated on the community of the faith.  2009’s theme is much more challenging in the sense that it will be focusing on engaging the community of faith with the society, which has always been both a thorn and an inspiration for the Church.  The society is our field and that is where the Church should be.  Historically, the wider community has always posed strong challenges to the community of the faithful from the perspectives of mission and evangelism.”

This handbook also has a CD with Power-point presentation that can be used in church services on the theme.

In his powerpoint presentation, the Dean explains that the main emphasis of the theme will be on Mission & Evangelism and the overriding theme will be under-girded and formed by Scripture, shaped through worship and prayer, ordered for communion and fellowship and above all, directed by God’s commission.

This handbook and a book “The Gift of Daily Bread” by Rev. Peter Young can be purchased at RM10/set from the Diocesan Office.