Anglican Institute of Ministry (Chinese)


Dear Bishop, Archdeacons, Priests, Deacon, Deaconess, Pastors and Church Leaders

事关:主教事工证书选修科- 归纳式查经法
Re: Elective Subject of Bishop’s Certificate of Ministry- Inductive Bible Study


Below is the information about the coming course which is offered by Anglican Institute of Ministry.

科目Course  :归纳式查经法 (Inductive Bible Study)

讲师Lecturer :包强惠牧师博士 (Rev. Dr. Jacob Bau)

地点Place   :加影圣公会(Kajang Anglican Centre)

日期 Date   :22-24/9/2017(星期五至日)

Please take note that the above-mentioned course will be recognized as one of the elective subjects for Bishop’s certificate of Ministry. Enclosed herewith the course details and registration form for your perusal.

我们期盼各位牧者同工推荐您心目中理想的教会领袖或信徒踊跃参加。2017年9月15 日为截止报名日期。
We hope that you can recommend the church leaders and potential members to join this coming course. Please take note that the deadline for the registration is 15/09/17.


赖世伟牧师 (Rev. Raymond Lai)

Download registration and schedule