Anglican Institute of Ministry (AIM) is a Diocesan lay training and leadership development program with the goal to raise the standard of biblical, theological and pastoral preparation of the laity for effective and efficient ministry in the Diocese.


  1. To equip the laity who feel the call to serve the Lord in His Church but are unable to go into full-time theological training.
  2. To strengthen the existing training of the Lay Readers and Pastors and to further equip the evangelists and youth evangelists in their gifting for service of the Lord.
  3. To provide initial preparation for the laity to continue on to their full-time theological studies.
  4. To promote lifelong learning opportunity for the lay people to take up a basic theological education.


  1. Every module consists of 15 hours of class.
  2. A minimum of 80% class attendance is required to obtain credit for each module.
  3. Student assessment includes group discussion, class presentation, quiz and evaluation, reflection book report, essay writing, and assignments.
  4. Grade “C” is the MINIMUM passing grade.
  5. Duration of study: Usually between 2 years to 5 years to gain a certificate in each level.
  6. One must successfully complete 10 modules to obtain Level 1 of Bishop’s Certificate of Ministry.
  7. One must have completed successfully an addition of 10 modules to obtain Level 2 of Bishop’s Diploma of Ministry.


  1. Level 1 of the Bishop’s Certificate of Ministry is one of the requirements for applying for the license of Lay Reader or Lay Pastor.
  2. AIM will ONLY provide training to the laity and is not meant to recommend any candidates to apply to the Diocese for the license.
  3. Once the candidates have completed the Bishop’s Certificate of Ministry, they are required to obtain recommendations from their Vicars or Priests in charge and Parochial Church Council (PCC) / Missionary District Council (MDC) in order to apply for the license of Lay Reader or Lay Pastor from the Diocese.
  4. The existing Licensed Lay Readers or Lay Pastors can enroll for AIM courses yearly according to their own learning progress. They can opt for either credit or audit.
  5. The Youth Evangelists and 2 for Christ Evangelists need to complete the Bishop’s Certificate of Ministry within 2 years. If they did not go for full-time theological study, they can continue with AIM courses in order to complete the Bishop’s Diploma of Ministry.
  6. A certificate of participation will be given to those who have completed auditing both Bishop’s Certificate of Ministry and Bishop’s Diploma of Ministry. But, these certificates cannot be used for applying for any licenses in the Diocese.


  1. Applicants for enrolment must be baptized and confirmed members of the Anglican Church or other Churches.
  2. 17 years of age and above.
  3. Applicants must be recommended by their Vicars & Priests-in-Charge and approved by Parochial Church Council (PCC) / Missionary District Council (MDC).

(Notes: Lay Readers, Lay Pastors, Youth Evangelists, 2 for Christ Evangelists, Church Leaders are encouraged to apply)


The application for enrolment in the AIM program is open all year round.

For further information please contact:

Dss. Logeswary    –

Rev. Raymond Lai  –



  1. Introduction to Bible
  2. OT Survey 1 (Pentateuch, Historical Books)
  3. NT Survey 1 (Gospel & Acts)
  4. Christian Doctrine 1 (Theology & Christology)
  5. Anglicanism
  6. Homiletics
  7. Pastoral Counselling
  8. Mission, Evangelism & Social Concern
  9. Other courses to be advised
  10. Other courses to be advised


  1. OT Survey 2 (Wisdom & Prophetic Books)
  2. NT Survey 2 (All Epistles)
  3. Church History 1(Apostles to Medieval)
  4. Christian Doctrine 2 (Pneumatology & Ecclesiology)
  5. Hermeneutics
  6. Church History 2 (Reformation to Present Day)
  7. Spiritual Formation
  8. Christian Leadership & Management
  9. Other courses to be advised
  10. Other courses to be advised


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